
Neural Network Powered AI Bot

Project Description

I am happy to share the real-time deployment of my Tic Tac Toe Game, powered by a TensorFlow-based neural network, through the Django framework. By deploying the game on a web platform, I have taken this project to new heights, making it accessible to a broader audience. Players can now experience the game directly from their browsers, interacting with the intelligent neural network and enjoying a challenging and immersive gameplay experience.

The deployment process involved integrating the machine learning model into the Django framework seamlessly. I created a user-friendly interface that allows players to interact with the game effortlessly. The neural network's predictive capabilities, which accurately classify and predict the next move among the nine possible outcomes, shine through in this real-time environment, presenting players with a formidable opponent.

By deploying the game using Django, I have not only made it easily accessible to users but also opened the door for future enhancements and improvements. The flexibility of Django allows me to update and optimize the game's features continuously, ensuring that players receive a consistently engaging and dynamic gaming experience.

In conclusion, deploying the Tic Tac Toe Game with the TensorFlow-based neural network on Django has been a rewarding endeavor. This real-time implementation showcases the synergy between machine learning and web development, culminating in an intelligent and enjoyable gaming experience. With the game now readily available to players online, I am excited to witness the impact it has on users and eager to explore the possibilities of further enhancing and expanding the project in the future.

Tools and Frameworks

Django & Tensorflow

Source Code

ux designer nepal

Dilip Pokhrel

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[email protected]

Kathmandu, Nepal

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